Ahead of


A Real-World, Upfront, Straightforward, Step-by-Step Guide for Family Caregivers

From first symptoms to long-term care planning, step-by-step guidance for caregivers.

Caring for a loved one with dementia is one of the greatest challenges one might face in life. It requires resilience, creativity, planning, and knowledge of the multiple facets of memory care. Ahead of Dementia is an essential tool for family caregivers.

If you want to do your best, ​learn to manage your memory issues constructively, and live a healthier, happier life,
this book is written for you!
​Written because
there is much life to live!

Ahead of Dementia is also available for Spanish speaking caregivers. Un Paso Adelante de La Demencia can be found in paperback, kindle, and audio book formats, for professional and family caregivers.

As medical advances bring us new treatments and diagnostic tools, Ahead of Dementia will continue to inform you in every step of the way. Find our most relevant updates on our Substack home, and plan to be here for the cure!

The Caregiver Experience

Doctors diagnose, nurses heal,
​and caregivers make sense of it all.
Brett H. Lewis


Caregiver for her Husband with Frontotemporal Dementia


Caregiver for him Mom with Alzheimer’s


Caregiver for her Husband with Lewy Body

We’re here to help you shape your care.